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The Role of Intuition in Astrological Interpretation - Inner Eye

Acharya Ashish Jaiprakash
The Role of Intuition in Astrological Interpretation - Inner Eye

Astrology, the ancient art of interpreting celestial influences on human life, has captivated minds for millennia. While planetary placements and aspects form the foundation, a skilled astrologer possesses another powerful tool: intuition. This "gut feeling," a subtle yet potent form of inner knowing, plays a crucial role in weaving a nuanced and insightful astrological reading.

Intuition in Astrology

Intuition operates beyond the realm of logic. It's a culmination of unconscious processing, drawing upon past experiences, symbolic understanding, and a deep connection with the client's energy. It's the "aha moment" that emerges from the interplay of knowledge and a kind of internal compass. Here's how intuition manifests in astrological interpretation:

Bridging the Gaps: 

Birth charts provide a wealth of information, but there are always missing pieces. Intuition helps bridge these gaps by sensing underlying factors, emotional currents, and potential turning points in the client's life.  With intuition as our guide, we can navigate the complexities of the human experience and uncover hidden insights that charts alone may not reveal.

Nuances in Interpretation: 

Astrological aspects can have multiple meanings. Intuition guides the astrologer in choosing the most relevant interpretation for the specific client and situation. This intuitive insight ensures that the reading resonates deeply with the client, providing clarity and guidance.

Identifying Themes and Patterns:

Intuitive insights help connect seemingly disparate planetary placements, revealing a unifying theme or karmic pattern in the client's life story. By tapping into these intuitive threads, the astrologer can offer profound insights into the client's past, present, and future.

Emotional Resonance: 

A skilled astrologer can intuitively pick up on the client's emotional state and tailor the reading accordingly. This creates a safe space for exploration and fosters a deeper connection between the astrologer and the client. Through intuitive empathy, the astrologer can provide compassionate guidance and support, empowering the client to navigate life's challenges with confidence and insight.

How to Cultivate Intuition

Developing your intuition is an ongoing process that requires dedication and discipline. Here are some practices astrologers can incorporate: 


Regular meditation not only quiets the mind but also allows space for intuitive whispers to emerge from the depths of your consciousness. Techniques like mindfulness meditation can enhance your ability to focus, enabling you to attune to subtle energies and intuitive nudges more effectively.


Delve into the mysterious realm of dreams, where symbolism and unconscious content intertwine. Keeping a detailed dream journal and reflecting on recurring themes can unveil profound insights about yourself and your clients, offering a gateway to deeper self-awareness and intuitive understanding.


Cultivate a sacred ritual of self-reflection through regular journaling. By documenting your intuitive "hits" during chart interpretations and analyzing the thought processes behind them, you create a tangible record of your intuitive insights. This practice fosters a deeper connection with your inner wisdom and strengthens your ability to trust your intuition in astrological readings.

Symbolic Exploration:

Embark on a journey of symbolic exploration, delving into the rich tapestry of astrological symbols, mythology, and archetypes. Explore various schools of thought and interpretations, allowing these diverse perspectives to enrich your intuitive understanding of astrology. By immersing yourself in symbolism, you deepen your connection to the universal patterns that shape our lives and empower your intuitive insights in chart analysis.

Practice Makes Progress: 

Embrace the principle that practice is the key to honing your intuitive skills. Trust in the process of growth and development, knowing that each chart interpretation offers an opportunity to refine your intuitive abilities. Through consistent practice and reflection, you gradually build confidence in your intuition and cultivate a deeper connection to the cosmic energies that guide your astrological insights.

The Qualities of a Great Astrological Guide

While intuition is a valuable tool, it's not the sole factor in effective astrological guidance. A skilled astrologer possesses a unique blend of characteristics that create a supportive and insightful experience for the client.

Integrity and Ethics: 

Astrology should be used for empowerment and self-knowledge, not manipulation. Upholding ethical standards and prioritizing the client's well-being are paramount. It's essential for astrologers to operate with transparency and honesty, ensuring that clients feel respected and supported throughout their journey of self-discovery.

Compassion and Empathy: 

Building a safe space for clients to share their vulnerabilities requires genuine compassion and empathy. An astrologer who listens actively and creates a space of non-judgment allows intuition to flourish. Providing emotional support and understanding fosters a deeper connection between the astrologer and the client, enhancing the effectiveness of the astrological consultation.

Life Experience: 

A rich life experience equips the astrologer to understand the complexities of human nature and relate astrological insights to real-world situations. Drawing from personal experiences and challenges enables the astrologer to offer practical guidance and empathetic support to clients facing similar issues. This depth of understanding enriches the astrological consultation and enhances its relevance to the client's life.

Continuous Learning: 

Astrology is a constantly evolving field. A commitment to ongoing learning ensures the astrologer remains informed about new discoveries and interpretations.  Engaging in workshops, seminars, and independent study allows the astrologer to deepen their knowledge and refine their skills, ultimately benefiting their clients.

The best astrologers understand that intuition isn't magic. It's a culmination of dedicated practice, self-awareness, and a genuine desire to help others. By cultivating their inner knowing alongside strong ethics and a compassionate heart, astrologers can become truly insightful guides on our cosmic journey.

Intuition and the Ethical Astrologer

Intuition, while powerful, can be susceptible to biases and blind spots. Here's how an ethical astrologer navigates these challenges:

Confirmation Bias:

Intuition, though valuable, can sometimes lead us astray if we're not careful. An ethical astrologer recognizes the importance of remaining vigilant against confirmation bias. By actively seeking out information that challenges our preconceptions, we ensure that our readings are as objective and accurate as possible.


While intuition is a powerful tool, it's essential to guard against projecting our own experiences onto the client's chart. Instead, focus on interpreting the planetary placements and aspects without imposing personal biases. This ensures that our readings remain true to the individual's unique cosmic blueprint.


Intuition serves as a valuable supplement to astrological knowledge, but it should never overshadow it. Ethical astrologers understand the importance of maintaining a balance between intuition and expertise. By grounding our readings in a solid understanding of planetary influences and house systems, we provide clients with thorough and insightful interpretations.

Building a Bridge Between the Seen and Unseen

Intuition plays a vital role in bridging the gap between the technical aspects of astrology and the deeper, often unseen elements of our lives. When combined with a strong ethical foundation and a genuine desire to help others, it empowers astrologer to offer insightful guidance on the path.

This Blog is Written by Renowned Astrologer Acharya Ashish Jaiprakash Sharma. If you want to Consult him personally you can visit AstroSawal where he is a Chief Astrologer.

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