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Mystical Power of Planets as per Vedic Astrology - Mars

Acharaya Ashish JaiPrakash
Mystical Power of Planets as per Vedic Astrology  - Mars

                          "Angarako yasya vamange tu bhumih sa eva cha"
                           Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra,
                           One who has Mars in their left part of the body, 
                           and the earth too, belongs to Mars."

This verse suggests that Mars has a strong influence on the physical body and the earth itself, emphasizing the power and importance of the planet in Vedic astrology.

"Mangalaha bhumi sahitaha"...  meaning the Mars is always associated with the earth.

In Hinduism, Mars, known as Bhudeva, is the "Deity of the Earth." Mars has a major impact on Earth and its environs, hence its classification. Mars, the son of Bhumi, the earth goddess, is responsible for protecting the earth and its riches in Hindu mythology.

In addition to Bhumi, some traditions tie Kartikeya with Mars. Kartikeya, the son of Shiva and Parvati, is famous for his martial skills. Mars symbolises Kartikeya's strength and martial arts. Mars, the war god, embodies bravery, resoluteness, and tactical intelligence, like Kartikeya.

Mars, as Bhudeva and Kartikeya, is powerful in Hindu mythology. The symbol symbolises the planet's power and vitality, its ability to provide and fight. Mars is shown as red to emphasise its fiery nature and energetic nature.

Mars also shapes human characters beyond the divine sphere. Courage, ambition, aggressiveness, and physical energy are associated with governance. Mars-influenced people are energetic, passionate, and determined to overcome difficulties and achieve their goals.

Mars is forceful and dualistic in Vedic astrology. According to popular belief, strategic Mars placement and synchronisation can boost vitality, courage, and work performance. Mars can cause hurried behaviours, animosity, and clashes if it is negatively impacted or positioned.

In conclusion, Hindus worship Mars as Bhudeva, the "God of Earth." Hindu mythology's deep relationship to nature and its role as a protector are well recognised. Mars' relationship with Kartikeya, a powerful warrior deity, emphasises his strength, tenacity, and resolve.In Hinduism, Mars is called Bhudeva, the "Deity of the Earth." Mars affects the planet and its environs, hence the classification. Mars, the son of Bhumi, the earth goddess, is charged with protecting the planet and its resources in Hindu mythology.

In addition to Bhumi, some traditions tie Kartikeya with Mars. Kartikeya, the son of Lord Shiva and Parvati, is a powerful fighter. Mars symbolises Kartikeya's strength and martial arts. Mars, the combat god, embodies bravery, perseverance, and tactical ability, like Kartikeya.

Mars, like Bhudeva and Kartikeya, is a powerful figure in Hindu mythology. The symbol represents the planet's power and energy, its ability to sustain and harm. Mars is often shown as red, which symbolises its fiery nature.

Mars also shapes our lives and personalities. A factor governs boldness, ambition, assertiveness, and physical energy. Mars-influenced people are energetic, passionate, and determined to overcome difficulties and achieve their goals.

Vedic astrology recognises Mars as a powerful celestial entity with good and bad qualities. According to popular belief, strategic Mars positioning and synchronisation can boost vitality, courage, and work performance. Mars can cause hasty behaviour, animosity, and strife if it is negatively influenced.

In summary, Hindus worship Mars as Bhudeva, the "God of Earth." Hindu mythology is deeply connected to the material world and protects the planet and its possessions. Mars' relationship with the powerful warrior deity Kartikeya emphasises its strength, courage, and resolve.

"Mangalaha prachanda veeryaha sristi sthiti vinaashanaha" - This means "Mars is a planet of immense strength, responsible for creation, sustenance, and destruction."

Mars is important in Vedic astrology because it rules fire. Mars, which represents fortitude, vigour, and boldness, influences a person's personality and habits. This phenomena affects many aspects of life. It is associated with the first house, which governs the body, and the eighth house, which governs procreation and death.

Mars (Mangal in Vedic astrology) is powerful and influential. The astrological system considers this celestial body strong and vigorous. Mars symbolises masculinity, fortitude, courage, energy, aspiration, and desire. Mars-influenced people display these traits.

Mars is associated with battle in Vedic astrology, emphasising its aggressive nature. The warrior emblem is associated with fighting, athletics, and physical activity. Mars-influenced people are competitive and eager to succeed in various industries.

Mars also affects human physiology. Musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and hematopoietic tissue are involved. The association shows that Mars affects physical strength, stamina, and well-being. Astrologically, a harmonious Mars placement in a person's natal chart contributes to their physical health and resilience.

In Vedic astrology, it is said that the Mars is the Strength of the "Kalpurusha," or the cosmic body. While the Sun is the soul of the “Kalpurusha” and the other planets are seen as different parts of the cosmic body, such as the Moon being the mind and Mercury being the speech , Jupiter is his Wisdom, Venus is his desires, while Saturn is his pain and misery."

Mars' location in a person's natal chart affects their personality and behaviour. Mars in a favourable aspect is said to provide the individual courage, gallantry, and firm resolve, promoting an ambitious and goal-oriented personality. Mars placement can cause animosity, hastiness, and violence.

Mars, ruler of Aries and Scorpio, rules the 1st and 8th houses in the natal chart. Mars rules the zodiac's first sign, Aries. Aries, like Mars, symbolises boldness, vigour, and drive. Aries are known for their strong wills and desire for adventure.

Scorpio, the eighth zodiac sign, is ruled by Mars. Mars' characteristics—fervor, profundity, and metamorphosis—are associated with the Scorpio zodiac sign. Scorpios are thought to be insightful and driven to learn. Mars is supposed to give the signs their own traits and features, giving them vitality and power.

In Vedic astrology, Mars in the 10th house indicates directed power. The tenth house represents one's career, status, and reputation. The birth chart's most important house is said to affect a person's career and general success. Mars symbolises vitality, activity, and ambition. Astrologically, Mars in the 10th house inspires people to succeed in their careers and rise in society. This may indicate a strong desire to lead and act assertively to achieve goals.

Best Position of Mars as per Vedic Astrology

Mars' place in a birth chart depends on its zodiac sign and house

Mars rules Aries, therefore people with Mars in Aries are said to be strong, lively, and proactive. Driven, aggressive, and risk-taking people often succeed.

Mars rules Scorpio, hence people with Mars in Scorpio are seen to be intense, passionate, and strong. This type of person is strong, intuitive, and passionate about learning and understanding complicated things.

Mars reaches exaltation in Capricorn, indicating its greatest power. Mars in Capricorn is associated with self-discipline, ambition, diligence, accountability, and achievement.

Mars in Leo is connected with strong resolve, creative energy, and strong leadership, according to astrology. Confidence, enthusiasm, and charisma often motivate and influence people.

Mars in Sagittarius is associated with a love of adventure, exploration, and travel, according to astrology. Optimists, energisers, and exuberants often inspire others.

Career Fields Associated with Mars in Astrology

Mars is associated with physically demanding, daring, and competitive jobs. It's also linked to active, mobile, and exciting jobs. Mars-related professions include:

Mars symbolises war and aggression. Those with a favourable Mars placement in their birth chart may prefer military or defense-related careers.

Mars is associated with physical strength and stamina, making it a powerful influence on sports and athletics.

Mars may affect law enforcement jobs that need daring and quick decision-making.

Mars is associated with strength and manual labour, which may affect engineering and construction careers.

Mars is associated with a strong desire for independence and achievement, making it a feasible influence in commercial careers like entrepreneurship and proprietorship.

Due to the need for quick response and strong physical ability, Mars may affect emergency services workers like firemen and paramedics.

The Effect of a well-placed Mars in the horoscope

Mars is thought to motivate people to work hard and achieve their goals. Mars' strategic placement in a person's birth chart might motivate them to succeed and overcome obstacles.

Mars regulates physical strength and energy, giving people the stamina to overcome physical challenges. When Mars is well-placed, it may boost a person's physical strength, allowing them to endure rigorous tasks and live a vibrant life.

Mars is said to provide people the bravery and fortitude to face problems. Well-respected Mars may give people confidence to step outside their comfort zones, face obstacles, and take calculated risks to achieve their objectives.

Mars gives people the drive and tenacity to overcome obstacles. Mars-aligned people are said to be more determined, resilient, and uncompromising in their objectives.

Mars is thought to boost aggressiveness and competitiveness, giving people the confidence to succeed. Mars-placed people tend to be outspoken, competitive, and ambitious.

Mars is said to boost leadership and motivation. Mars' strategic posture empowers leaders to take charge, make bold decisions, and inspire others.

Mars encourages independence and self-rule. Harmonious Mars placements allow people to trust their instincts, embrace their uniqueness, and pursue their own goals without other influences.

Mars is thought to inspire passion and creativity, inspiring artists and innovators. Mars aligned may inspire people to unleash their creativity, unleash their imagination, and pursue their pursuits with zeal.

The Effect of an ill-placed Mars in the horoscope

Mars' unfavourable placement in a natal chart can have several negative effects, including:

Mars in an astrological chart may heighten wrath and aggressiveness. Anger management may be challenging, leading to frequent outbursts and confrontations in personal and professional life. The situation might strain relationships and create hostility.

Mars is associated with rashness. Unbalanced Mars may intensify these impulsive tendencies. Impulsive behaviours might lead to negative outcomes. Impulsive behaviours can slow growth and disrupt life.

Mars causes accidents and violence. Mars can make people more susceptible to physical harm, accidents, and risky behaviour. To avoid undue damage, use Mars' strong energy wisely.

Mars symbolises motivation, vitality, and drive. However, a poorly placed Mars might reduce a person's motivation and cause procrastination. This can hinder personal and professional growth, creating a sense of stagnation and unmet potential.

Mars can affect a person's health. Inflammation, fever, infections, and haematological problems can affect people. Self-care and good living practises are essential to reducing negative health impacts.

Mars is associated with autonomy, resoluteness, and authority issues. When misplaced, people may rebel and fight authority. Resistance to rules and norms can lead to workplace disputes and damaged relationships with authority figures.

Mars in unfavourable position might exacerbate conflict in personal relationships. Conflicts can cause misunderstandings, communication failures, and strained relationships. Patience and dispute resolution are crucial.

Understanding the effects of a Mars that is not appropriately positioned helps people avoid impediments and take preventative efforts to balance and synchronise its influence. Anger control, healthy coping, and self-discipline can mitigate the negative impacts of a Mars placement. This can improve relationships and personal growth.

Manglik Dosha

Vedic astrology links Mars (Mangal) to Manglik dosha. "Manglik dosha" occurs when Mars occupies certain houses in a person's horoscope. This dosha is said to have negative effects on marriage and interpersonal relationships. Mars in an individual's 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house is said to cause Manglik dosha.  Manglik dosha is said to create an adverse energy environment, which may cause marital and interpersonal issues.

Mars' powerful influence may cause conflict, breakups, and more. Manglik dosha people are recommended to marry only Manglik dosha people. Manglik dosha is thought to cancel out bad energy in two people.

In a marriage between a Manglik and a non-Manglik, the non-Manglik partner may face health issues, financial problems, and other issues, according to traditional beliefs. "Manglik dosha mismatch" describes it. Vedic astrology gives various Mangal Dosha remedies and rituals. Gemstones, pujas, and Mangal Dosha Nivaran Pujas are examples.

After 28 years, Mangal dosha's negative effects begin to fade.

Effects of The Transit of The Mars through different zodiac Signs   ( Mangal Gochar)

Astrology holds that celestial bodies, such as planets and stars, affect people and events on Earth. Mars is a celestial body that strongly affects the planet's energy. Astrologically, Mars's transit through zodiac signs may affect politics, economy, and world events. Mars' association with aggressiveness, confrontation, and action explains this. Mars is said to affect people's vitality and motivation.

Astrologically, Mars travelling into Aries, its ruling zodiac sign, boosts vigour, proactivity, and zeal. Energy levels may increase political activity and a desire for change, which may affect global events. Mars transiting Scorpio is thought to emit a powerful energy that may transform things. Economists and experts watch this intensity because it can cause significant economic changes.

Mars affects world energy throughout its passage. Politics, economy, and global events may change when zodiac signs pass. Astrologers use aspects, conjunctions, and alignments with other planets and celestial bodies to interpret Mars' changes. These observations may reveal patterns, conflicts, or energy shifts within certain time periods.

Astrology provides a framework for understanding the effects of celestial bodies, although its predictions and analyses are subjective. Astrological claims remain disputed by sceptics and believers. Astrology is used for self-examination, personal growth, and studying the relationship between celestial forces and human events, despite a lack of scientific proof.

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