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The Fragrant Offerings: Lord Shiva's Favourite Flowers Revealed

Acharya Ashish Jaiprakash
The Fragrant Offerings: Lord Shiva's Favourite Flowers Revealed

Flower for Lord Shri Ganesh

The beloved elephant-headed God, Ganesha, known for removing obstacles and bringing good fortune, has two main offerings. The vibrant red hibiscus is associated with his active and powerful nature.  Durva grass, a simple yet sacred plant, is also offered, symbolizing humility and devotion.

Flower for Lord Shiva:


Undoubtedly, the Bilva Patra, or the leaves of the wood apple tree, reign supreme as Lord Shiva's most beloved offering. Scriptures like the Shiva Purana extol the virtues of Bilva leaves, stating that offering them to Lord Shiva is equivalent to offering him a thousand lotus flowers. The trifoliate nature of the Bilva leaf symbolizes the three aspects of Shiva – the Creator, the Preserver, and the Destroyer.


This white, trumpet-shaped flower, also known as Moonflower, holds a unique position in Shiva puja. Dhatura is associated with Tantra and its intoxicating properties symbolize the power to overcome worldly illusions. However, it's important to exercise caution as Dhatura is poisonous if ingested. It's recommended to offer only a symbolic amount during puja.


Known for its vibrant red blooms, Hibiscus flowers symbolize passion, devotion, and unwavering faith. Offering Hibiscus to Lord Shiva signifies surrender to his divine will and a plea for his blessings.


Despite its association with graveyards in some cultures, the Kaner flower, with its delicate pink or white blooms, finds favor in Shiva puja. Legend has it that when Kamadeva, the god of love, attempted to disturb Shiva's meditation, Shiva opened his third eye, reducing Kamadeva to ashes. However, Parvati, Shiva's consort, revived Kamadeva with a single Kaner flower. Therefore, Kaner symbolizes both destruction and rebirth, aligning with Shiva's divine nature.


The Champa flower, with its intoxicating fragrance and white or yellow blooms, represents purity, peace, and surrender. Offering Champa to Lord Shiva signifies seeking his grace and blessings for inner peace and spiritual growth.

Lord Vishnu

Lord Vishnu, the ever-serene preserver of the universe, is most commonly associated with the lotus (Padma). This beautiful flower, rising pristine from muddy waters, perfectly embodies Vishnu's qualities. The lotus remains untouched by the murk, symbolizing Vishnu's detachment from the worldly chaos he helps maintain. Additionally, the lotus blooms with remarkable resilience, mirroring Vishnu's unwavering commitment to upholding dharma (righteousness) even in turbulent times.

Flower for Surya Narayana

The radiant Surya Narayana, the sun god, is often worshipped at sunrise.  A crimson lotus (Padma) is considered an ideal offering, mirroring the fiery brilliance of the sun.  In some traditions, hibiscus flowers in red or orange tones are also offered. Copper coins represent Surya's fiery nature and illuminate the path to prosperity.  Jaggery (unrefined cane sugar) symbolizes sweetness and the hope for a prosperous life.  In some regions, wheat stalks are offered, representing abundance and fertility nurtured by the sun.

Lord Shri Krishna

The playful and beloved Krishna, an avatar of Vishnu, is associated with several offerings.  Yellow or orange marigolds (Genda) reflect Krishna's joyous nature.  Tulsi leaves, considered sacred in Vaishnavism, are also commonly offered. Additionally, Krishna's love for butter and milk makes them symbolic offerings.

Flower for Lakshmiji

The embodiment of prosperity and auspiciousness, Lakshmi is often depicted seated on a lotus. The lotus (Padma), with its pristine beauty rising from muddy waters, reflects Lakshmi's ability to bring wealth and fortune without being corrupted by it.  Lotus seeds (Kamal Gatta)  are also offered, symbolizing potential and prosperity.

Flower for Hanuman Ji

The mighty monkey God, Hanuman, a symbol of strength, devotion, and unwavering loyalty, favors the marigold (Genda). These bright and cheerful flowers represent Hanuman's energetic personality and his ever-burning devotion to Lord Rama.

Mother Kali

The fierce Mother Kali, representing destruction and transformation, has distinct preferences.  Hibiscus flowers in deep red or blue tones symbolize her powerful and transformative energy.  Bel (wood apple) leaves are also significant offerings. However, unlike most deities, Kali is traditionally offered animal sacrifices in some regions, though this practice is increasingly uncommon.

Flower for Maa Durga

The powerful Durga, the slayer of demons and protector of good, has two main offerings. The red hibiscus reflects her fierce strength and power. The lotus (Padma), again, finds significance here. The lotus, emerging from darkness and blooming beautifully, symbolizes Durga's ability to conquer negativity and bring forth positivity.

Maa Saraswati

The embodiment of knowledge, music, and the arts, Maa Saraswati is associated with purity and wisdom. The white lotus (Padma), symbolizing knowledge and enlightenment, is a fitting offering. Additionally, the sweet fragrance of jasmine (Chameli) is said to please the Goddess of learning and creativity.

Shani Dev

Appeasement of Shani Dev goes beyond the black sesame seeds and iron objects.  Mustard oil is offered in some traditions, symbolizing illumination and the burning away of negativity associated with Shani's influence. Devotees may also offer blue or black colored fabrics to appease Shani Dev's often harsh aspects.

Things to keep in mind While Offering Flower

Presenting flowers to Hindu deities is a beautiful and symbolic act of devotion. Here are some key points to remember for a respectful and meaningful offering:


This is paramount. Always offer flowers that are newly bloomed, fragrant, and free from blemishes. Wilted or decaying flowers are not considered auspicious offerings. Freshness symbolizes the purity and sincerity of your devotion.


The colors of flowers hold significant meaning in Hinduism.  Red often represents passion, energy, or Shakti. Yellow symbolizes knowledge, light, and prosperity. White signifies purity, peace, and enlightenment. Choose flowers that align with the qualities you wish to invoke or that resonate with the specific deity.


The most important aspect is the भाव (bhav), or intention behind the offering. Offer flowers with a pure heart and devotion. Let the act be a symbol of your love, gratitude, or prayers to the divine.

Respectful Handling

Treat the flowers with respect as they are a representation of your offering. Pluck them gently without damaging the plant. Avoid offering flowers that have been stepped on, crushed, or have fallen apart.

Specific Requirements

While most deities accept a variety of flowers, a few have specific preferences or exclusions.  For example, Datura flowers are favored by Lord Shiva, while Ketaki flowers are avoided in his worship.  Familiarize yourself with any specific recommendations for the deity you are worshipping.

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