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The Astrology of Dreams: Decoding Symbols and Messages

Acharya Ashish Jaiprakash
The Astrology of Dreams: Decoding Symbols and Messages

Dreams have fascinated humans since ancient times, offering glimpses into the subconscious mind and mysterious realms beyond waking reality. In astrology, dreams are considered powerful sources of insight and guidance, containing hidden messages and symbolic meanings. This blog aims to explore the astrology of dreams, delving into how celestial influences can shape our dream experiences and how to decode the symbols and messages they contain.

The Influence of Astrology on Dreams:

Astrology teaches us that the positions of celestial bodies at the time of our birth can influence various aspects of our lives, including our dreams. Each planet in the astrological chart is associated with specific energies and archetypes, which can manifest in our dreams in symbolic form. For example, the moon represents emotions and the subconscious mind, while Mars symbolizes energy, action, and assertiveness. The alignment of planets and their aspects can also influence the themes and intensity of our dreams.

Decoding Dream Symbols:

Dreams are often filled with symbols and imagery that may seem puzzling at first glance. However, by applying astrological principles and understanding the symbolism of planets, signs, and houses, we can decipher their hidden meanings.

Planetary Influences:

Each planet in astrology corresponds to specific themes and energies that may appear in dreams. For example, dreams involving the sun may symbolize vitality, creativity, and self-expression, while dreams involving Saturn may reflect themes of restriction, responsibility, and discipline.

Zodiac Signs:

The zodiac signs can also provide insights into dream symbolism. For instance, dreams featuring the fiery energy of Aries may signify new beginnings, passion, and assertiveness, while dreams associated with the watery depths of Pisces may represent intuition, spirituality, and the subconscious mind.

Astrological Houses:

The twelve houses of the astrological chart represent different areas of life, and dreams may correspond to the themes of the house in which a particular planet is located. For example, dreams related to the fourth house may reflect family dynamics, home life, and emotional security, while dreams tied to the tenth house may symbolize career aspirations, public image, and achievement.

Understanding Recurring Dreams:

Recurring dreams are a common phenomenon that often carry significant messages for the dreamer. In astrology, recurring dreams may be linked to unresolved issues or karmic patterns indicated in the birth chart. By examining the astrological indicators of recurring dreams, such as the placement of Saturn or Neptune, we can gain deeper insights into the underlying causes and themes.

Practical Tips for Dream Interpretation:

Keep a Dream Journal

Keeping a dream journal can help track recurring themes, symbols, and emotions in your dreams. Write down details as soon as you wake up to capture the essence of the dream before it fades from memory. Remember to include even the smallest details, such as colors, people, or objects, as they might hold significant meanings that can unravel over time.

Reflect on Emotions:

Pay attention to the emotions you experience in your dreams, as they can provide valuable clues to their meaning. Consider how these emotions relate to your waking life and current circumstances. Are you feeling anxious, joyful, or confused? Exploring these emotions can lead to deeper self-awareness and understanding of your subconscious thoughts.

Consult an Astrologer:

An astrologer skilled in dream interpretation can offer personalized insights into the astrological influences shaping your dreams. They can analyze your birth chart and provide guidance on how to work with the energies reflected in your dream symbolism. By combining the wisdom of astrology with the symbolism of your dreams, you can gain a richer understanding of your inner world and the cosmic forces at play in your life.


In conclusion, the astrology of dreams offers a rich tapestry of symbolism and meaning that can provide valuable insights into our inner world and subconscious mind. By understanding the influence of celestial bodies on our dreams and learning to decode the symbols and messages they contain, we can tap into a deeper level of self-awareness and personal growth. Whether you're navigating recurring dreams, exploring the symbolism of planetary influences, or seeking guidance from an astrologer, the astrology of dreams invites us to embark on a journey of discovery and transformation within the realm of sleep and beyond.

This Blog is Written by Renowned Astrologer Acharya Ashish Jaiprakash Sharma. If you want to Consult him personally you can visit AstroSawal where he is a Chief Astrologer.

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