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Astrological Considerations for Wearing Pearl or Moti: Should You Wear the Gemstone?

Acharya Ashish Jaiprakash
Astrological Considerations for Wearing Pearl or Moti: Should You Wear the Gemstone?

Enticing Astrological Benefits of Pearl Stone

Pearl – Moti                       

 मुक्ताफलं विभजते निशा ज्योतिः प्रवेशयेत् तत्र सदेव चन्द्रमः।
 "The Pearl distributes the night's luminescence and brings in the radiance of the Moon within “

Pearls are a highly valued gemstone with a timeless appeal that has captivated people around the world for centuries . Despite being classified as a gemstone, pearls are actually produced by a living creature known as a mollusk, found in the depths of the ocean. The original pearl stone is a flawless, smooth, and shining round stone that exudes a soft glamour and aesthetic beauty. It is highly sought after for both its ornamental and astrological benefits.

Who Can wear Pearl or Moti ?

As per Vedic astrology, the Pearl gemstone is considered highly beneficial for individuals born under the Cancer Moon sign. This is because Pearls are associated with the ruling planet of Cancer, which is the Moon. The Moon is believed to have a strong influence on the emotional and mental well-being of a person, and Pearls are said to balance the lunar energy in the wearer's body.

In addition to its association with the Moon, Pearls are also believed to have a calming effect on the mind and body. They are said to promote inner peace, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve the overall mood of the wearer. This is particularly important for individuals born under the Cancer zodiac sign, who are known to be sensitive and emotional by nature. Pearls are also believed to have healing properties and are said to benefit individuals with respiratory and digestive problems. They are also believed to enhance the beauty of the wearer and promote a sense of elegance and sophistication.

Pearl or Moti is intimately linked with the Moon, and hence, people born under any zodiac sign where the Moon is a benefic or neutral planet can wear this gemstone. For instance, Scorpio and Pisces Moon Signs are considered particularly favourable for wearing pearls as the Moon is the lord of the 9th and 5th house respectively. However, individuals born under other signs like Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius can also wear Pearls after consulting with an expert astrologer. Nonetheless, Pearls are highly recommended for those born under Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces Moon Signs.

How to Wear Pearl or Moti – The Ritual

Pearls are a popular gemstone that can be worn as a ring or pendant, typically set with silver.

When wearing a pearl ring, it is recommended to wear it on the little finger of the right hand.

To prepare the ring for wearing, it is advised to do so on a Monday morning during Shukla Paksh before sunrise.

Before wearing the ring or pendant, certain items are required to energize it.

Place the ring or pendant in a clean washed Silver or Earthy bowl and add the following items, one by one: Ganga Jal, Tulsi leaves, unboiled cow's milk, honey, and ghee (clarified butter).

To energize the ring or pendant, recite the following mantra 108 times: "Aum som somaya namah"

Allow the ring or pendant to soak in the bowl for 5-10 minutes before removing it from the bowl and cleaning it with water.

Once cleaned, the ring or pendant can be worn on the little finger of the right hand.

Important - The Pearl or its substitutes should never be worn with Diamond, Emerald, Blue Sapphire and Cat's Eye and their substitutes."

Benefits of wearing Pearl

Promotes calmness and emotional stability: 

Pearl is believed to have a soothing and calming effect on the mind and emotions. It is believed to promote emotional stability, inner peace, and calmness, making it an ideal gemstone for those prone to anxiety, stress, or mood swings.

Enhances self-confidence and self-esteem: 

Wearing a pearl is believed to help enhance self-confidence, self-esteem, and inner strength. It is believed to promote a positive outlook and a sense of self-worth, making it easier for individuals to achieve their goals and aspirations.

Promotes good sleep and prevents nightmares: 

Pearl is believed to have a relaxing and calming effect on the mind, making it an ideal gemstone for those who have trouble sleeping or are prone to nightmares. It is believed to promote restful sleep, improve sleep quality, and prevent nightmares.

Enhances creativity and intuition: 

Pearl is believed to enhance creativity and intuition, making it an ideal gemstone for artists, writers, and musicians. It is believed to help individuals tap into their inner wisdom and creativity, and express themselves more freely and effectively.

Attracts prosperity and good fortune: 

Pearl is believed to attract prosperity, wealth, and good fortune. It is believed to promote financial stability and abundance, making it an ideal gemstone for those looking to improve their financial situation or attract success and good fortune in their personal or professional life.

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